teeth grinding dentist

Stop Teeth Grinding With These Techniques

Grinding your teeth, or Bruxism, can lead to increased wear on your teeth and, if bad enough, can result in the need for restorative care if wear results in chipped teeth or a misaligned bite. There are several techniques that you and your dentist can do to stop grinding.

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enamel tooth wear dentistry

Baby, That Enamel Is Never Growing Back

Your teeth’s enamel is formed when you are still a baby — even younger, actually — and that’s what your teeth use for the rest of your life.

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teeth whitening dentist

Know the Difference a Dentist Makes in Whitening Teeth

Throughout our lives our teeth can tarnish & yellow for a host of reasons, from smoking & coffee to less obvious items we ingest like sports drinks & wine. For many of us, there comes a time when we’d like to reverse course & get a whiter, brighter smile. So why go to the dentist for a whitening treatment when there are so many at-home options?

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missing teeth implant denture retainer

Missing Teeth Can Be a Family Matter

Sometimes teeth are missing from your smile. They didn’t get knocked out & they certainly never ran away, so where are they? It may be worth a look up your family tree.

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